
the flowering of the future in and around Callisto's Garden

where the rule of love has deposed all others,
arranging everything into a skein
of strangely sophisticated synchronicities...

for overview and full contents
of this b(l)og*, paste in
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*somewhere between
a blog on the way to a like
and a bog on the way to a lake

Welcome to Callisto's Garden -- an occupy space, time, and spacetime action,

this occupation allowed by understanding and perceiving that three terms always play in time to create a spatial experience --

so you cannot occupy time without occupying space and spacetime, whereas in the common form of the secular paradigm,

affirming one denies the other.

Correcting this error will strengthen the secular paradigm while bringing it closer to the sacred ones, helping to foster peace and understanding...

or Callisto's Garden could be called an occupy ourselves action

or an occupy language action

or an occupy the talk of talk with the walk of walks and vice versa action 

in which theoretical and metaphysical formulations appear as outlines that are fleshed out in living forms --

speaking of which, Polyanni first saw me from behind walking out of the Madeleine's studio on the same floor, and he liked my walk; and then a half hour later, he showed up where we'd walked to, that being Robin des Bois, and I saw him sweep across the floor and embrace Bernard, the owner,  and then Madeleine invited the big tall guy with the white mane and the scotch taped red glasses, a scarf tied and dropping around his neck like a long necklace him to join us; and I thought, he can walk the walk, but can he talk the talk -- 

and it's always like that, in Callisto's Garden, everything in being reversed is balanced with the other perspective.  It seems to happen whether I will it or not.

So you'll find true stories (The Wizard of Ozymandians) and essays on works of art (A is for Aga) and discursive analytical pieces (Cezannespeech), and pieces that mingle all these genres, which are always tinged with genres they are not.

And what gradually or, in sudden spills or spurts, emerges is a novel paradigm I call the visual order.  

I fell into this space when researching the origins of perspective, which lead me to spiral in on an image that seems to represent the bridge to and from the modern world, so after being baptized by both sides, I decided to live on the bridge because, though lonely, it the perfect place to live.  It is whole, it is complete, it is heaven on earth.   And it is both skeptical and magical, both down to earth and enchanted, if not bewitched, though I feel that word carries pejorative connotations.  It's mainly used to persecute women who refuse to repress their intuitions, but demand to live by and through them, however what we see and profess scorns a world constructed in an artificially distanced language that naturalizes itself, so that illusions appear real, until it all starts falling apart once again.   But hope springs eternal for the ancient prophesies to manifest. Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.  Joy to the world.  She'sUS saves!  (Don't worry, if you're an orthodox believer in the word, the roamin' church has proposed that impregnation with the word is through the ear.  And though it is as madly a miracle, if you can believe in those other miracles, you surely can believe, as the god you hold responsible, is the word, in the synchronistic symphony of language.  Alas, I have perceived no difference among card carrying believers and card carrying skeptics, and everything between in the apparent ubiquity of incapacity for demonstrable faith among the elite, the chosen, to whom I presently speak. Whoever's teaching or preaching never seems to blame himself for the deadliness and incapacity of language at large.  This is the ongoing crucifixion of the word.  My tears wash the holy feet.  When will this end?)